Proper silviculture is a critical step in sustainable forest management. At NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. we believe silviculture practices need to maximize future forest values in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Proper silviculture is a critical step in sustainable forest management. At NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. we believe silviculture practices need to maximize future forest values in the most cost-effective manner possible.
NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. has staff with decades of experience in:

- Government Compliance
- Planting
- Brushing
- Spacing
- Pruning
- Browse Protection
- Surveys
- Free Growing Declarations
- RESULTS Submissions
As a manager of forest tenures, it is our job to ensure we are in compliance with our FSPs and mandated silviculture milestones. Ensuring our plantations are meeting all compliance standards is important to NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. so that we are leaving behind a positive legacy for the next generation. At NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. we recognize the important role silviculture plays in ensuring future forest health.
One of the founding shareholders of NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. got their start in tree planting over 40 years ago. As a result, we have an inherent understanding of how to plant blocks in the most cost-effective manner possible while maintaining a high likelihood of plantation success. A key focus of NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. is to utilize as much local employment as possible and to date we have been very successful in contracting local and First Nations-owned planting companies.
In many of the areas we work, brush can be an issue as it competes with conifers for available sunlight. Brushing entire blocks can be very costly but we have successfully deployed some unique brushing techniques that have significantly reduced our silviculture costs per hectare. Regardless, when brushing is required, we understand the importance of scheduling these activities at the right time of year to ensure maximum benefit.
In some cases, NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. performs tree spacing, which is the removal of undesirable trees within a plantation to reduce competition for nutrients, water and sunlight. The effects of spacing are better growth among the remaining trees, better managed species composition and ultimately an increase in stand value.
Pruning is a silviculture technique utilized by NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. in order to increase the future value of a plantation by removing excess branches. Pruning results in a reduction of knots and increase in the amount of clear wood produced. Pruning also reduces stem taper, resulting in more uniformly shaped logs.
In many of the areas we work there is browse pressure from deer and other ungulates that like to eat newly planted and regenerating seedlings – western red cedar is at particularly high risk of being consumed. In order to increase the likelihood of cedar reaching free growing, we place plastic browse protectors over the seedlings. While this can be costly, it helps ensure a properly stocked and diverse plantation.
NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd. has in-house capacity to perform mandatory silviculture surveys. Surveys are conducted at regular intervals to ensure plantations are re-growing as they should. Where required, we identify additional treatments such as brushing or spacing. All collected survey data is then housed on our silviculture database to ensure continuity for years to come.
Once plantations have reached their free growing stocking requirements, we complete free growing declarations. This is a legal declaration made by a Registered Professional Forester and represents the point where the responsibility for ensuring plantation health shifts from the licensee to the Province. It typically takes a minimum of 5 years before free growing stocking requirements are met.
Reporting Silviculture Submission and Landstatus Tracking System (RESULTS) is a government database where information pertaining to the status of replanted blocks is uploaded. NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd.’s professional foresters are experienced in navigating this system in order to submit updates on silviculture. This is a necessary step to ensure licensees maintain government compliance.